event reporting

The photo tells the story of your event _

the photo report of event made by professional photographers at the time when everyone makes photos, why call upon a professional team? The answer we propose is simple.

"How important are you to your guests and your event?".

A professional team will make the difference to highlight your guests and present the event from a multitude of points of view. Discreetly to realize beautiful images taken on the spot or on the contrary by guiding, when it is necessary, to realize more official photos. A photo reportage can be completed by one or more photo animations. PhotoCall attraction, PhotoMate and multiple other formulas of photo animations...

company photos

The photo is a key element of your communication, it highlights, creates the link and motivation _

You are organizing an event for your employees or clients. It can be about :

  • to mark an exceptional event such as a birthday, inauguration, incentive or team building, contract signing etc...
  • a regular event such as a company party, general meeting, exhibition or congress, etc...

The photo is a key element of your communication, it highlights, creates the link and motivation. Depending on your needs, our studios will know how to keep absolute confidentiality or on the contrary help you maximize the visibility of your event on social networks or press releases.

private photos

To offer oneself, or to be offered, a photo report of the key events of one's life is a priceless gift _

The photo reportage of private events such as weddings, birthdays, christenings, 1st communion, confirmation, bar mitzvahs.... highlights everything that has been carefully prepared and tells a story, your story, that of your family, your friends. These exceptional moments will present :

  • Photographic reflections of the different official or festive episodes
  • moments of sharing and emotion
  • more formal photos such as group or couple photos

Sharing these images with participants is the best gift you can give them. We will create for you private photo galleries and a multitude of personalized supports with your favorite photos.

Photo report
Social events

The photo multiplies the impact of social events and will give them visibility. The contribution of a photo sponsor is an idea to develop _

Some events bring together for a few hours, a few days, people who have something in common, a special bond... It can be :

  • a graduation ceremony that crowns several years of study
  • a car rally for old car enthusiasts
  • a charity evening to raise funds
  • a sports competition for young people

All these events create a strong human experience and the photo will reflect in a lasting and quality way these exceptional moments.

The photo multiplies the impact of this type of event. To finance a professional photo service, the contribution of a photo sponsor may be the solution for everyone to win...


The PhotoMate service creates the event within the event. Very quickly an intense life is created in this friendly space _

With the PhotoMate event photo animation service, a device with a retro 1900s look, your guests take the photos themselves and see them immediately on a screen in the form of a slideshow, laughter guaranteed... These images are taken, as at the photographer's, in a photo studio environment and in front of a neutral background or Photo Wall "banded" with the colors of your event.

"Mate" in English means "the buddies", it is a formula that works very well with people who know each other ... Very quickly an intense life is created in this friendly space.

More info here

PhotoCall Photobooth

In the PhotoCall area, our photographer will highlight your guests alone, as a couple or in small groups _

The PhotoCall event animation service is not reserved only for celebrities. Our photographer welcomes your guests in a photo studio environment and in front of a neutral background or Photo Wall "banded" with the colors of your event. Everyone will be highlighted, alone, in couple or small groups. There can also be a person photographed with each guest: the one you are celebrating, the bride and groom, and why not Santa Claus... These images, although quite formal, are always very appreciated, especially if a printing service is set up so that you can leave with them at the end of the evening.

Interactive Studio
Ichoose ShareLive Virtual Set

Create the surprise and offer your guests the possibility to interact with the photos of your event _

In an event photo animation, your audience will like to be active and be able to interact in Live with the photos taken.

A multitude of different situations lead to targeted solutions that our Studios have developed for you.

iChoose This basic service allows you to choose during the event the pictures you would like to get. This allows, for example, the different delegates of a conference to leave with a choice of images on a USB key or during a private party to print the best images from a PhotoCall or PhotoMate.

ShareLive The ideal complement to a PhotoCall or PhotoMate, Share Live allows participants to share the image just captured. A link sent by email will allow everyone to share their picture on different social networks and for the organizer to get interesting information about the notoriety of his event.

Virtual Decor You want to change the decor of your photo that has just been made? It is possible with a photo studio with green background and a choice of decorations in the theme of your event.

Photolive MosaicLive

In full screen or to form a dynamic mosaic of your logo, the images of the event are projected in LIVE _

With these services, the event's photo animations are shown on a large screen during the event. The impact of a live photo is much higher than a live video, as it is a captured moment that captivates the participants. And then, if it really pleases, this photo can be obtained and kept on different supports.

Photo Live: A stream of images is projected in full size. The new images are presented in priority. One or more banner(s) can be associated with this projection for the photo sponsors. This service is available locally, but also on the internet, allowing people who could not participate to enjoy the event remotely.

Live Mosaic: The images of the event, or of a part of the event, for example portraits made in a PhotoCall, appear from the four corners of the screen and come one after the other in the image. All together they gradually form a dynamic mosaic that brings your logo to life.

my photos

So that everyone can take and share their photos on the big screen _

The ultimate formula for event photo animation to allow your audience to interact with the event is to give them the possibility to take their own photos of the evening and project them on a large screen. This service is now possible from smartphones thanks to Capture Live. A WIFI network dedicated to the event with a QR code allows you to connect directly to a dedicated page (no need to download an application) and share your photos with all the participants. This service can be accompanied by a presenter who chalenges the public and a moderator who avoids any drift of this image flow.
