Enquête photographique Covid-19
In the face of the unprecedented containment situation experienced in the spring of 2020, the Studios did not sit idly by and sent out a questionnaire to area businesses with the goal of being able to gather stories that could be inspiring and develop resiliency solutions.
the present of the photo archives
The long-term preservation of images is one of the missions of a self-respecting photo studio.
Sensitive photo
Pascal has been exploring the world of art therapy since 2016, notably by participating in Laboo* New Media, and in this post he delivers a bridge deployed between professional photography and expressive art therapy research.
Just before age 30
A lot is in the works for the 30 years that Studios Casagrande will accomplish in the summer of 2018.
Photo Internship
Lili, our intern, shares with you her experience at Studios Casagrande.
Filming RTS "Temps Présent
Florence Fernex, director at RTS, contacted us for an "emergency" like many others in the audiovisual world.
The pitch of the Studios Casagrande
During the last Swiss Entrepreneur meeting, Didier presented in a few minutes & in pictures the different services of the Studios.
Swiss Spring Time
Launched for BaselWorld, the new spring 2014 edition of the "Swiss Time" magazine
For the fifth time since its inception ten years ago, Jay had the pleasure of covering the three-day Aid for Trade conference at the WTO.