
It is very rewarding to meet to discuss key issues. IT security is one of the most sensitive issues for the development of companies.

Press portrait

A good photo portrait is a great hook for a magazine article. This is what Eugénie Dunant understood very well.

The Ultimate Art Book

The enhancement of photos is an integral part of the photographer's job.

A professional at work

As part of the promotion of the professions carried out within Manor's establishments.

Animal studio photo session

When the subject to be photographed is no longer a human but a dog... many things change:

The big jump

 Some companies do not hesitate to highlight their teams by calling upon a photographer to realize original portraits in studio.

Just before age 30

A lot is in the works for the 30 years that Studios Casagrande will accomplish in the summer of 2018.

Belles de Nuit

Here is the first tale, read by Catherine Raemy, who presented Anne-Sophie Casagrande's belles de nuit, on display until February 11, 2018 at the Swiss Puppet Museum in Fribourg.

Cobaty a constructive congress

More than 1000 delegates came from the four corners of French-speaking Switzerland, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain and beyond Europe from Lebanon & Morocco to participate in 3 intense days of exchanges on the theme of construction with :

The saga of Art Puppets in Africa

To prepare the consecration of his universe of Art puppets, within the framework of an exhibition at the Swiss Puppet Museum of Fribourg